Sunday, January 10, 2016

Contoh Expressing Possibility (Kemungkinan)

Expressing Possibility (Kemungkinan)
Expression of possibility dipakai untuk mengungkapkan sebuah kemungkinan akan suatu hal. Dibawah ini adalah contoh kata-kata untuk mengungkapkan kemungkinan dalam Bahasa inggris.

Expressing Possibility
·         It is possible… ( Ini mungkin terjadi )
·         It’s possibly happened… ( Ini sangat mungkin terjadi )
·         Maybe… ( Mungkin )
·         There is a chance… ( Masih ada kesempatan )
·         Perhaps …. ( Barangkali atau Mungkin )
Namun dalam penggunaanya ungkapan diatas harus sesuai conteksnya masing-masing.
·         Perhaps atau Maybe
·         Perhaps atau Maybe dapat dipakai apabila suatu hal yang mungkin terjadi, tetapi pembicaranya tidak begitu yakin. Pemakaian “perhaps” lebih formal daripada “maybe”.

Dialog Expression of Possibility about Made a mistakes
Amy : What is going on you?
Novi : I am so confused. I made a mistakes to Dede. But I had apologized to her.
Amy : Then, What’s Dede’s reaction. Does she forgive you?
Novi : She does not forgive me.
Amy : Perhaps she is still angry at that time. You can try it next time.
Novi : Yes of course. Thanks you so much Amy.
Amy : My pleasure.


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